"Let Us Show You How To Raise Some Money"
Do you know someone that is in need of a fundraiser or do you need to raise some money for a worth cause? Plan a fundraiser and use our facility to raise some funds. Our 30,000 square foot center is large enough to host almost any size of event you can imagine. Invite people for an afternoon or evening of pizza and bowling and get part of the proceeds back plus have an auction and do some raffles while everyone is enjoying themselves and having fun for a great cause.
We can show you how just a few hours can produce thousands of dollars for your event. It just takes some time and energy from a few people to help organize an event that will draw many people for your special fundraising event. Appoint your coordinator and we'll give them some tools to produce a successful fundraiser. Lots of possibilities to raise several thousand dollars in just a few hours. Together with the bowling proceeds; 50/50's, silent auctions, and food sales can ad up to become a pretty sizable fundraiser. Call us before you try something else.